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Our Vision for Music Education at Christ Church:

“We believe the purpose of music is to develop musical skills, becoming better at music, while developing a life-long love of the subject.”


Statement of Intent:

Our music curriculum is all about developing children as musicians and is designed to be flexible and diverse, in order to meet the needs of all children. Rooted in the Kodaly approach to music education, we plan to meet both the expectations of the National Curriculum and the Model Music Curriculum, as part of the National Plan for Music Education. Focusing on performing, composing and engaged listening, our sequenced curriculum builds deep levels of musicianship, through increased musical knowledge, skills and specialist language. Performance aspects carefully consider accessibility, embracing singing for enjoyment and aural development, with listening as an integral component throughout, and glockenspiels to develop instrumental proficiency. Composition builds children’s musical knowledge and skills, through artistic freedom, expression and theoretical guidance.


Christ Church EYFS

Music is an important, valued and integral part our Early Years Curriculum, with opportunities for performing, composing and listening through our continual provision. Our children will sing a repertoire of songs and rhymes and demonstrate increased control of percussion instruments.


Christ Church Key Stage One and Two


In 2023, investment was made in a specialist Music teacher, who would join the school and take responsibility for teaching the curriculum across years one to six. As part of this, the Music curriculum was rewritten to follow a new long-term sequence.

There is now, a well-planned, sequenced Music curriculum in place, which at least meets the requirements of the National Curriculum and the National Plan for Music Education. Following the principles of the Kodaly philosophy, our curriculum builds concepts progressively, so that children gain skills in all areas of performing, composing and listening, in dedicated, weekly, one-hour lessons. Key assessment points have been built into the curriculum progression, to provide opportunities for evaluation, so we can be sure it is working effectively to meet the needs of our children. Through our curriculum and over time, children become better at Music. Singing is the central medium through which the curriculum is taught and children develop key vocal skills, singing a wide range of repertoire both in class and in wider opportunities across the school and community.



Areas for Development:

  • Begin to teach the new curriculum, from suitable starting points.


  • Embed and evaluate the new curriculum over time.


  • As a school we will continue to support all children to access Music with equity, seeking to address social disadvantage by addressing gaps in knowledge, skills and experiences.


Instrumental and Vocal Lessons and Ensembles:

As part of the cultural ethos of our school, singing is an embedded part of the curriculum and every child's experience. In addition to a repertoire of singing for worship, we aim to draw on a wide range of age-appropriate repertoire. Musical performance is already a prominent part of school life. Children sing in their lessons, in collective worship and in weekly singing assemblies, where there are also important opportunities for instrumental performance and appreciation. Children perform at key events within our calendar both in school and at church.

Children continue to have access to instrumental lessons on violin and viola, through Wolverhampton Music Service. Each year, in May, there is a timetabled Music concert.


Areas for Development:
  • We will continue to expand our Music offer, by delivering instrumental tuition, within music lessons, to all children. In addition to our long-term singing strategy, all children in KS2 will learn glockenspiels as their secondary tuned instrument, alongside the regular exploration of a range of untuned percussion, which includes KS1. It is our view, that learning a musical instrument is the right of all children and we aim to include the ABRSM repertory pathway within our curriculum. This will help us to ensure that children continue to make both musical and technical progress on their instrument over time. Glockenspiels are a carefully chosen element of our provision, both as instruments in their own right and in the development of vital pre-keyboard skills in preparation for later keyboard study at KS3.


> School Senior Leadership Team have committed to investment in a class set of chromatic glockenspiels.


  • A programme of extra-curricular enrichment (vocal and instrumental) will be introduced through the academic year 2023-2024. Groups will include: choirs (both infant and junior); recorder groups (main and consort); glockenspiel/ percussion group (which will allow children to feed their classroom skills into ensemble).


  • As part of our commitment to offer a rich and varied musical provision, regular opportunities for performance and development will be offered to all children. These will include registration as a Children's University learning provider, which will allow our musical activities to be validated and opportunities for children to complete ABRSM Music Medals on their chosen instruments (as appropriate).


  • We will continue to promote singing as a joyful and enriching musical activity by implementing our singing playgrounds programme.



Music Events and Opportunities:

Our school continues to work with the local Music service, actively encouraging children to participate in opportunities offered. From 2023, an appropriately-qualified Music specialist will deliver and develop musical provision across the school. In association with the senior leadership team, we will continue to drive the development of music across the school and advocate for the importance of music in school life. Our school holds accreditation for arts and cultural activity through Arts Award.


Areas for Development:

  • As part of our new curriculum, children will experience performances delivered by a music specialist and listen to a wide range of music from a variety of traditions, cultures and historical periods.

  • Regularly seek the views of stakeholders, through regular pupil voice, to ensure the success of our curriculum.


  • Create links with wider musical organisations, including the ABRSM (Music Medals programme) and Wolverhampton Children's University.



Christ Church CE (VC) Infant School and Nursery
Christ Church CE (VC) Junior School

Shaw Lane
Tettenhall Wood


Telephone: 01902 558945

Woodcote Road

Tettenhall Wood



Telephone: 01902 558700

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