Reading for Pleasure at Christ Church Federation
We want our children to be passionate about books that will open up new worlds to them. We provide a range of opportunities across the federation to promote a love of reading.
Where The Wild Things Are, World Book Day Theatre Workshop
World Book Day
Reading/Stories in Provision EYFS
Reading Ambassadors
Author Visits
Junior Reader Visits
Celebrating Reading
Multiple Author Visits (including Onjali Q.Rauf MBE and Dame Jaqueline Wilson)
Game 4 Reading Competition
World Book Day Celebrations
Outdoor Library Opportunities (Spring and Summer Term)
Access to the Library Every Day
Bedtime Reading Bags
Class Reading Padlets
Reading Newsletters
Whole School Trips to Theatre Shows Based on Award Winning Book 'The Boy at the Back of the Class'.
Class Padlets
Year 3
3P- https://padlet.com/lpearce54/book-reviews-idxnn4v1vhj2j4dt
3C- https://padlet.com/mcharlesworth2/3c-s-bookshelf-8essufhtmlg2fj9y
Year 4
4S- https://padlet.com/jslater47/4s-s-bookshelf-okd7tc4vgq7dxbu7
4K- https://padlet.com/aknowles42/4k-s-bookshelf-6az744ic867bhsvm
Year 5
5C - https://padlet.com/hlouisecox/5c-s-bookshelf-hga8wryn92u8wnqo
5R- https://padlet.com/zrussell8/5r-s-bookshelf-cbxa6rtc0w9kxyzh
Year 6
6C- https://padlet.com/kcain35/6c-s-bookshelf-2edfsnm5rquvqrzi
6M- https://padlet.com/lmcwilliams6/6m-s-bookshelf-k5gy13p0umvdv1uq
Bedtime Reading Bags
Each week two children from each year group will receive a bag which contains either a story or poetry book appropriate to their year group, a packet of biscuits, two hot chocolates and a reading journal log.
Our aim is to encourage shared reading at home with the additional enjoyment of a biscuit and a cup of hot chocolate.
Children will be chosen randomly each Friday to take home a Bedtime Reading Bag to read and share with their family. They are encouraged to create a reading response (look at the examples) and return to school the following week.
At Christ Church, we understand the importance of reading being a pleasurable experience, our Bedtime Reading Bags encourage families to read and develop reading skills together. Enjoy!

World Book Day
At Christ Church, we like to celebrate World Book Day in style! WBD is celebrated all over the country on the first Thursday in March every year & we like our children to not only ‘get reading’ but also to do lots of other amazing activities.
This year was no exception! Children at home became book characters, authors and illustrators. Looked at a school focus of ‘The Dot’ the message included within the book and the illustrations and explored genres such as poems and graphic novels along with authors known for these genres.
Staff at Christ Church love to read too and do all that they can to instil a love of reading! As part of the WBD celebrations, teachers ran a ‘Masked Reader’ competition for their pupils after being inspired by the British reality singing competition television series, ‘The Masked Singer’. Each day leading up to WBD, children had to guess who the ‘Masked Reader’ was. Did you guess correctly?

Opportunities for Pupils

Behind the scenes a team of Year 6 pupils have been taking part in a reading competition called Game 4 Reading, organised by the Wolverhampton Library service. It involves schools from all around the city and requires children to read 6 books and research authors ready to answer a quiz based on them. The team have done a brilliant job and worked really hard and we are proud to announce they are in the final! We wish them lots of luck as they prepare for their final quiz on Thursday. Well done to all of you!

I have enjoyed reading all of the books in the competition

I have read books I don’t think I would have picked up before and it’s been so much fun.

We have really come together as a team and worked well collaboratively