Nursery Uniform
We request that you dress your child in suitable practical clothing.
Difficult fastenings e.g. dungaree straps, do not encourage independence and may be unsuitable.
We also ask that you provide a named pump bag containing a full change of clothes in case of accidents. This can be left at nursery.
Please do not leave plastic carrier bags in the nursery cloakroom as these constitute a safety risk.
Please note that we aim to have outdoor play sessions every day, even in winter.
Your child will therefore need to wear a coat, hat and gloves if appropriate.
Please ensure that these are labelled with your child's name.
In summer a sun hat is recommended and sunscreen should be applied before children arrive at Nursery.
Infant School Uniform
We encourage all children to wear school uniform as follows:
Grey trousers or shorts
White Polo Shirt (with optional logo)
White cotton shirt and green tie with yellow stripes (optional)
Green jumper, sweatshirt (with optional logo) or cardigan
Grey or white socks
Black shoes (no trainers)
Additional option for girls:
Grey pinafore or skirt
White blouse
Green and white summer dress
A suitable sun-hat is required during the summer months.
Infant School PE Kit
Black or white slip-on pumps (no trainers)
White T-shirt with the school logo
Bottle green PE shorts
Children attend school in their PE kit on their timetabled days for PE.
Parents are urged to label each item of clothing with their child's name to avoid loss. Lost property is kept for one term and then recycled.
Most department stores will be able to supply the above uniform.
You can order sweatshirts, polo shirts, PE kit and bags (all with the school logo) from Lads and Lasses Schoolwear (Contact details at the bottom of the page).

Junior School Uniform
The children attending this school are encouraged to wear school uniform. This consists of:
Winter Grey pinafore, skirt or trousers
White blouse
Green tie with yellow stripes
Green sweatshirt, cardigan or v neck sweater
White socks
Black shoes
Summer (Optional alternative to the winter uniform.)
Green and white summer dress
White polo shirt/no tie
Grey winter trousers
White shirt
Green tie with yellow stripes
Green sweatshirt or v neck sweater
Grey socks
Black shoes
Summer (Optional alternative)
White polo shirt/no tie
Jeans and trainers are considered to be unsuitable for school unless needed for a school study visit.
P.E Kit
Each child will require an indoor P.E. kit consisting of:
black shorts
T shirt
When purchasing new T shirts, parents are requested to choose the appropriate ‘house’ colour. All children will be placed into a house team on arrival in school. They will be able to earn rewards for their house in a variety of ways throughout the year. In addition the children will require a navy blue hooded zip top and navy blue jogging bottoms for outdoor wear.
Children attend school in their PE kit on their timetabled days for PE.
Parents are urged to label each item of clothing with their child's name to avoid loss. Lost property is kept for one term and then recycled.
The school cannot be held responsible for any jewellery worn by children and with the exception of wristwatches or small studs, jewellery is not allowed. Children with pierced ears are expected to wear small studs.
Purchasing Uniform
School uniform with the optional logo can be purchased from Lads and Lasses:
Lads and Lasses Schoolwear
50a Warstones Road
Tel: 01902 334650
Email: ladsandlassessales@live.com
Website: www.ladsandlassesschoolwear.co.uk
Opening Times: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm, Saturday - 10am - 5pm
Plain uniform items can be purchased from other retailers.
In addition, the school operates a preloved uniform shop where good quality used uniform items are available at minimal cost. A link is available on our home page.